import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import ramanspy as rp
import pint
import scipy
u = pint.UnitRegistry()
Composition of a medium¶
One often needs to determine the concentration of cells and medium components with a volume. Depending on the bioloical or chemical species of interest there is a variety of measurement techniques available.
We will discuss two of them within this lecture:
Raman spectroscopy
Optical density and the related techniques of spectrophotometry and flow cytometry
A third technique will be discussed in the next lecture:
- Microscopy
Raman spectroscopy¶
Quick overview on how it works¶
For a schematic setup of the process see this wikimedia schematic_(2019)_1662-1683.png).
- Photons are projected onto a material.
- Most photons are elastically scattered by the material without (or with almost no, as in an elastic collision with a huge mass) energy change. Only the direction changes due to the collision.
- Some photons, however, are observed to have a different energy level and thus a different frequency. This is due to vibrational changes within the material, resp., its chemical bonds, induced by the collision.
- The second type of photons are collected and their counts and wavenumber ($\text{cm}^{-1}$) are reported. In fact the difference in the wavenumber of the received photon and the emmited photon is reported; resulting in a Raman spectrum. This difference is called the Raman shift ($\text{cm}^{-1}$).
The wavenumber $\tilde\nu$ [$\text{m}^{-1}$] is related to the wavelength $\lambda$ [$\text{m}$] via
$$\tilde\nu = \frac{1}{\lambda}$$
From the relation between frequnecy $\nu$ [$\text{s}^{-1}$] and the speed of a photon $c$ [$ms^{-1}$], we have
$$\tilde\nu = \frac{\nu}{c}$$
The wavenumber is convenient as it is directly porportional to the frequency and the energy of a photon via the Planck relation
$$E = h\nu = hc\tilde\nu$$
A first synthetic spectrum¶
We will use the Python library RamanSPy to generate a first synthetic spectrum. It shows peaks of intensity at certain wavelengths, that partially overlap creating this charactersitic spectrum. The generated spectrum does not have a backround signal. We will discuss this later in the lecture, but neglect it for the moment, asssuming that it has already been removed.
# Generate synthetic spectrum
spectra = rp.synth.generate_spectra(num_spectra=1, n_bands=1000, realistic=True, seed=10)
To analyse such a spectrum, we start with a simplifed notion fo a spectrum as a sum of Gaussian functions, each of which correspondis to an idealized peak of amplitude $1$. Letting $x$ be the Raman shift, a Guassian peak is a spectrum of the form
$$ f(x) = a \cdot e^{-(x-\mu)/(2 w^2)} $$
and we refer to $a$ as the amplitude, $\mu$ the mean, and $w$ the width. Let's code a function that creates a peak. For simplicity we will assume here that our spectra all are between 0 and 1000 $\text{cm}^{-1}$ and comprise of 1000 bins, i.e., the numerical resolution is $1 \text{cm}^{-1}$.
def peak(pos: float, width: float) -> np.ndarray:
# for simplicity we set spectral range and sample number
# to constants
x = np.linspace(0,100, 1000)
# Gauss function, with amplitude 1.
return 1 * np.exp( -(x - pos)**2 / (2*width**2) )
We can now create a simplified first spectrum comprising peaks at 50 and 75 of widths 1 and 3, respectively.
# simplified spectrum s1
s1 = peak(50,1) + 1/5*peak(75,3)
plt.title("spectrum s1")
plt.xlabel("Raman shift")
Text(0, 0.5, 'Intensity')
Let's create a second
# simplified spectrum s2
s2 = 0.3*peak(20,2) + 1.3*peak(60,1)
plt.plot(s2, 'r')
plt.title("spectrum s2")
plt.xlabel("Raman shift")
Text(0, 0.5, 'Intensity')
It's time to overlay both into a single spectrum. We assume the (bio-)chemical species responsible for spectrum $s_1$ is available in concentration $c_1 = 0.2$ and the species for $s_2$ in $c_2 = 0.5$.
def mix(spec: list[np.ndarray], coefficients: list[float]) -> np.ndarray:
ret = None
for i, s in enumerate(spec):
ret = coefficients[i] * s + (0 if ret is None else ret)
if ret is None:
raise ValueError("expecting at least 1 spectrum")
return ret
Resulting in the following spectrum (in black). The two original spectra are shown in blue and red.
mixed = mix([s1, s2], [0.2, 0.5])
plt.plot(s1, 'b--')
plt.plot(s2, 'r--')
plt.plot(mixed, 'k')
plt.title("spectrum mixed")
plt.xlabel("Raman shift")
Text(0, 0.5, 'Intensity')
The problem we would like to solve is finding the two coefficients $c_1$ and $c_2$ back from the mixed spectrum, assuming that we know it is a mix of $s_1$ and $s_2$. We can phrase the problem as solving the least square problem
$$ \min_c \|Sc - m\|_2 $$
$$ S = \begin{bmatrix} {\vec s_{1}} & \vec s_{2} \\ \end{bmatrix} $$
$$ c = \begin{bmatrix} c_{1}\\ c_{n} \end{bmatrix} $$
and $m$ is the mexied spectrum.
def demix(components: list[np.ndarray], mixed: np.ndarray) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
S = np.vstack(components).T
c, residuals, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(a=S, b=mixed, rcond=None)
return c, residuals
c, residuals = demix(components=[s1, s2], mixed=mixed)
print(f"The coefficients are {c} and the sums of squared residuals is {residuals}.")
The coefficients are [0.2 0.5] and the sums of squared residuals is [3.816829e-30].
So, indeed, we sucessfully found back the two concentrations.
More involved spectra¶
The above example was well behaved with respect to several properties:
- All peaks are well seperated and do not overlap. Neither between spectra, nor within a spectrum.
- We knew exactly which species are present.
- A perfectly clean spectrum was assumed: no background signal and no measurment noise is assumed.
We start by elevating (1) and (2). The next mixed spectrum has more involved spectra with overlapping peaks between and within a spectrum. Further, we are not sure if two other candidate species are present.
s3 = 0.3*peak(20,2) + 1.3*peak(60,1) + 1.2*peak(67,1) + 0.5*peak(70,4)
s4 = 0.2*peak(15,3) + 0.2*peak(62,1) + 1.0*peak(64,1) + 0.1*peak(80,1)
s5 = 1.0*peak(10,1) + 1.2*peak(40,1) + 0.1*peak(44,1)
s6 = 0.5*peak(16,1) + 1.0*peak(22,4) + 0.7*peak(80,2)
mixed = mix([s3, s4, s5, s6], [0.2, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0])
plt.plot(s3, 'b--')
plt.plot(s4, 'r--')
plt.plot(s5, 'g--')
plt.plot(s6, 'y--')
plt.plot(mixed, 'k')
plt.title("spectrum mixed")
plt.xlabel("Raman shift")
c, residuals = demix(components=[s3, s4, s5, s6], mixed=mixed)
print(f"The coefficients are {c} and the sums of squared residuals is {residuals}.")
The coefficients are [ 2.00000000e-01 5.00000000e-01 -4.28245569e-17 -9.07151373e-17] and the sums of squared residuals is [2.00698394e-30].
Again, we found back the initial concentrations.
def make_noisy(spec: list[np.ndarray], factor=0.1) -> list[np.ndarray]:
ret = []
for s in spec:
gaussian_multiplicative_noise = np.random.normal(loc=1.0, scale=factor, size=spec[0].shape)
ret.append(s * gaussian_multiplicative_noise)
return ret
s3 = 0.3*peak(20,2) + 1.3*peak(60,1) + 1.2*peak(67,1) + 0.5*peak(70,4)
s4 = 0.2*peak(15,3) + 0.2*peak(62,1) + 1.0*peak(64,1) + 0.1*peak(80,1)
s5 = 1.0*peak(10,1) + 1.2*peak(40,1) + 0.1*peak(44,1)
s6 = 0.5*peak(16,1) + 1.0*peak(22,4) + 0.7*peak(80,2)
# make noisy
s3_noisy, s4_noisy, s5_noisy, s6_noisy = make_noisy([s3, s4, s5, s6])
# use the real / not noisy compounds to create the spectrum
mixed = mix([s3, s4, s5, s6], [0.2, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0])
# and make it noisy
mixed_noisy = make_noisy([mixed])[0]
plt.plot(s3_noisy, 'b--')
plt.plot(s4_noisy, 'r--')
plt.plot(s5_noisy, 'g--')
plt.plot(s6_noisy, 'y--')
plt.plot(mixed_noisy, 'k')
plt.title("spectrum mixed, with noise")
plt.xlabel("Raman shift")
c, residuals = demix(components=[s3_noisy, s4_noisy, s5_noisy, s6_noisy], mixed=mixed_noisy)
print(f"The coefficients are {c} and the sums of squared residuals is {residuals}.")
The coefficients are [ 2.03043721e-01 4.78771439e-01 5.85396227e-05 -1.27394654e-04] and the sums of squared residuals is [0.20819475].
Still a very good match of coefficients.
Bacterial spectra¶
Following the tutorial on RamanSPy we next download a dataset of bacterial spectra obtained by Ho et al. (Nat Commun, 2019). Following the RamanSPy - loading bacterial data tutorial, we get:
# change this to the downloaded data dir
data_dir = r"data"
# get the training data
X_train, y_train = rp.datasets.bacteria("val", folder=data_dir)
y_labels, _ = rp.datasets.bacteria("labels")
spectra = [[X_train[y_train == species_id]] for species_id in list(np.unique(y_train))]
spectra_norm = rp.preprocessing.normalise.MinMax().apply(spectra)
# plot all spectra
plt.figure(figsize=(6.5, 9))
rp.plot.mean_spectra(spectra_norm, label=y_labels, plot_type="single stacked", title="bacterial spectra");
idx_ecoli = 3
rp.plot.mean_spectra(spectra_norm[idx_ecoli], label=y_labels[idx_ecoli], plot_type="single stacked", title="bacterial spectra");
[<ramanspy.core.SpectralContainer at 0x15de8c470>]
# the two components
ecoli_spectrum = spectra[idx_ecoli][0][0]
plt.title("E. coli spectrum")
calbicans_spectrum = spectra[0][0][0]
plt.title("C. albicans spectrum")
# creating a mixed one
to_mix = [ecoli_spectrum, calbicans_spectrum]
cs = np.array([0.2, 0.5])
mixed_bac = rp.synth.mix(to_mix, cs, mixture_mode='linear', noise=False, baseline=False, seed=42)
plt.title("mixed bacterial spectrum")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'mixed bacterial spectrum')
c, redidual = demix(components=[ecoli_spectrum.spectral_data, calbicans_spectrum.spectral_data], mixed=mixed_bac.spectral_data)
print(f"The coefficients are {c} and the sums of squared residuals is {residuals}.")
The coefficients are [0.2 0.5] and the sums of squared residuals is [0.20819475].
Removing noise and a background signal¶
- May exist, e.g., because of a fluorescent background.
- Assume the spectrum of the background is not known and can not be simply subtracted.
- Estimate the baseline and subtract it. Also called baseline correction.
Let's create a synthetic spectrum with a simple backgorund and noise.
x = np.linspace(0,100, 1000)
# make a noisy background
background_signal = make_noisy(
[x**2 / (1 + x**2/1000) * 1/100],
# and add it to our signal
s3_nosiy_bck = background_signal[0] + s3_noisy
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x15f01d760>]
Same for the other signals.
s4_nosiy_bck = background_signal[0] + s4_noisy
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x15dfb2270>]
Removing noise: Savitzky–Golay filter¶
Given a signal, one can locally, i.e., within a symmetric window of a fixed size around the point to be approximated, fit a least-square error polynomial. The simplest such filter is a non-causal moving average. The filter is a least-squares solution to fitting a polynomial of degree 0.
Further literature
- Reading and discussing Savitzky–Golay filters as a way to locally fit a polinomial to the signal, or equivalently, perform a convolution with a non-causal filter signal.
- The paper Savitzky and Golay (1964).
s3_denoise_est = scipy.signal.savgol_filter(x=s3_nosiy_bck, window_length=9, polyorder=3)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x15d2e4d40>]
Removing the background¶
# setup the preprocessing pipeline
pipe = rp.preprocessing.protocols.Pipeline([
# rp.preprocessing.denoise.SavGol(window_length=9, polyorder=3),
# apply pipeline
s3_est = pipe.apply(rp.Spectrum(s3_denoise_est, x))
# backgorund estimate
bkg_est = s3_denoise_est - s3_est.spectral_data
# plot the results
# _ = rp.plot.spectra(s3_est, plot_type='separate')
plt.title("Estimated background and background")
plt.title("Estimated signal and signal")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Estimated signal and signal')
More information on background removal in signals can be found at the page of the Python package pybaselines. For example, you can checkout this example as a start.
Application: Determining the growth state of a bacterium¶
Reading and discussing the paper by Ren et al. (2017).
Application: Tracking the kinetics in a bioreactor¶
Reading and discussing the paper by Lee et al. (2004) and the overview paper by Lourenço et al. (2012).
Optical density and Spectrophotometry¶
Quick overview on how it works¶
- Either white light, or a light of a particular wavelength is used as a source.
- The light is both adsorbed and scattered by the material in the medium and the medium. The effect of the medium is tried to counteract with choosing a wevelength that shows low absorption and removing the measurement of the medium from the final outcome ("blanking").
- Typically the light scattering effect is larger than the absorption effect. This means that shape and surface properties of the particles in the medium have an influence on the readout.
- Scattered photons are blocked by letting only photons that are scattered in a certain angel hit a digital sensor.
Application: Tracking the cell density in a microplate reader¶
On the blackboard
Further literature:
- Read and discuss the work by Hu et al. (2023).
Flow cytometry¶
Schematic shown within this wikimedia image.
- Same as before, but with single cells sequentially being measured in (flowing) medium.
- Laser as source.
- Measuring forward scatter (FS/FSC) and sideward scatter (SS/SSC) as intensity of the captured pulse. The FS is mostly a function of particle size, and the SS of the granularity/complexity of the structure.
- Possibility to differentiate received light by wavelength.
- Each cell results in a single measurement of FS and SS intensities (the latter, potentially separated for different wavelengths).